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1. Trust Yourself! Doubt is the biggest hinderance to developing your psychic ability.
2. Before reading the meaning of a card from a book, soften your gaze and see what pops out at you. What is catching your attention? What is the card saying to YOU?
3. As a beginner, focus on open-ended questions instead of yes or no questions.
4. Candles, incense & crystals can help you to feel relaxed, which increases psychic openness.
5. Meditate 10-20 minutes every day to practice quieting your mind so psychic information can come through easier.
6. Keep a journal of when your hunches or visions come true to boost confidence and strengthen intuition.
7. Overcome fear of what you might psychically perceive. Focus on curiosity and love instead.
8. In the beginning, information might come in symbols. If you are not sure what the symbol means, ask what it is trying to tell you and wait patiently for more information.
9. To boost confidence, practice with people you trust and who are willing to be supportive.
10. Knowing if you are a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner may help you to identify where to start practicing. For example, if you are visual, tarot cards might be a great place to start.
In the beginning, it is best to practice against a blank surface, like a white wall. This way you are not competing with other images. Ask a willing volunteer to stand in front of the wall. Then relax and soften your gaze. Focus your gaze just above your volunteers head and wait patiently until you see a thin layer of white light around your volunteer. This is the first layer of the auric field and it is the easiest to see. Once you have seen it, you have the technique.
Continue practicing and you will begin to see colors beyond the white layer. These colors may first appear as colors only (no light}. Keep practicing and you will eventually see the colored light. That's when you have seen the full aura in all it's glory. Once you see this, you will likely be surprised at it's beauty and will never look at people the same way again. Practicing aura gazing is most definitely worth it!
You can also practice on trees, animals and your own hand. Happy aura gazing!
Meditation is easier than you think. Just follow the simple steps below:
Sit in a quiet, comfortable space in your home where you can safely relax.
Close your eyes.
Breathe in and out.
Continue breathing and focus only on your breath.
Thoughts will come in and out of your mind. Allow this to happen.
Simple allow thoughts to come and go as you focus your attention on breathing in and out.
Do not respond to your thoughts. Eventually, they will run out and your mind will be still.
Keep focusing on your breath until you are ready to end your meditation.
Slowly open your eyes and smile.
Enjoy the calm and refreshing feeling that comes with a rested mind.
Practice Gratitude
Acknowledge what is working in your life and ways in which you excel. Appreciate yourself,
others, your surroundings and your life. You are precious!
Forgive Yourself and Others
Forgiveness frees you from hurt, anger, and negativity surrounding the issue. Stop punishing
yourself and learn to forgive.
Encourage Physical Health
Your body is your temple. Listen to what it needs. Better food choices? More movement?
More hydration? More Sleep? When you feel good in your body, you feel better within yourself.
Practice Positive Self-Talk
Your perceptions shape your emotions. Think and speak well of yourself and you will feel good about the beautiful person you are!
Set Aside Quality Time for Yourself
Spend some time each day doing what feels nourishing to you. A cup of herbal tea? Soaking in a warm bath? Hiking? Do something for YOU everyday. You Deserve it!
As you wake up in the morning, give your body a nice long stretch and, when finished, rise to a seated position on the bed.
Take three slow, deep breaths in and out. Put your hand on your heart and keep it there for the duration of this exercise.
Relax and soften your breathing. Bring to mind one thing for which you are grateful. It can be small or big. Whatever it is, see it in your mind's eye.
Once you have the image, take a moment to really appreciate it. Feel gratitude filling your heart and radiating out to every cell of your body.
Stay in this feeling for a moment. When you are ready, slowly say thank you and smile.
Give yourself a moment to adjust before you stand up.
As you move through your day, notice and acknowledge things for which you are grateful. Take a moment to feel that gratitude.
There are so many blessings that come to us in each and every day. take the time to receive them and feel the warmth of gratitude.
ROSE QUARTZ - All Types of Love, Master Heart- Healer
AMETHYST - Universal Love
RHODOCHROSITE - Self-Love, Healing Feminine Trauma
PINK TOURMALINE - Cleanses Heart Chakra, Helps Love Flow
MALACHITE - Helps with Trust and Attracting Love
RHODONITE - Fosters Forgiveness and Forward Movement in Relationships
Which one Speaks to you?
CHIN MUDRA can be used in meditation to help balance the energy flow in the body and bring about a sense of calm. It represents the union of individual consciousness with universal consciousness.
Sit in a comfortable position, spine straight.
Bring your hands together in front of your chest, palms facing up.
Touch the tips of your index finger and thumb together, forming a circle, while holding the other fingers straight.
Hold the position while you put your attention on your breath and intention.
Take three slow, deep breaths.
Relax, release your tension and enjoy the feeling.
Clutter is more than just what is in front of you.
Clutter clouds your home and your mind.
Clutter can interfere with your relationships.
Clutter can effect your breathing.
Clutter can increase avoidance behavior and feeling overwhelmed.
Try one of these mudras and see how you feel!